volvo group appoints new management

พุธ ๒๒ กรกฎาคม ๒๐๑๕ ๑๓:๑๒
Volvo Group (Thailand) Company Limited, the sole distributor of Volvo Trucks and UD Trucks in Thailand, recently appointed Mr. Kamlarp Sirikittiwatn as Vice President for Sales & Retail. He will take major role to drive the organization to achieve corporate goal to penetrate new business areas for both Volvo Trucks and UD Trucks.

Mr. Kamlarp has serviced Volvo Group (Thailand) since 2000 and he was a key management member to develop sales and marketing in Thailand and international markets, including Vietnam and Myanmar.

Before his appointment, Mr. Kamlarp was Vice President for Sales and Marketing in China which included Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mongolia.

Mr. Kamlarp graduated bachelor degree from Mechanical Engineering in Automotive Faculty of Chulalongkorn University in 1999 and master of Engineering Management from University of Technology Sydney in 2003.


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