HOW ARE YOU THAILAND? A Travel Photography Exhibition in Film

ศุกร์ ๐๖ มีนาคม ๒๐๑๕ ๑๘:๐๑
An opening ceremony was held at The Gallery on the 36th Floor of Pullman Bangkok Hotel G last Sunday, 8th February 2015. In attendance were representatives from BAREFOOT magazine together with i use film. Mr. Ittirith Kinglake, President of Tourism Council of Thailand, was the guest of honour and opened the exhibition.

“How Are You Thailand?” is a brilliant collaboration by the i use film and BAREFOOT magazine. The project is a selection of photographs by readers and followers of the page and the magazine who have submitted their photos, taken by film camera, throughout their travel experience in Thailand. This will be on exhibit at The Gallery on the 36th Floor of Pullman Bangkok Hotel G until 8th April 2015.


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๑๔:๓๙ บีโอไอจับมือพันธมิตร จัดงาน SUBCON Thailand 2024