Learn to COOK THAI

พุธ ๑๕ มิถุนายน ๒๐๑๖ ๑๑:๔๙
The Department of Thai Gastronomy, Dusit Thani Hotel School, is accepting students for its 5th weekday classes, starting on July 4th.

Students will learn to prepare, in 60 hours, 30 Thai dishes and 15 Thai desserts, as well as other related subjects such as fruit and vegetable carving for dish presentation, Thai restaurant and Thai kitchen operations management. Upon graduation, they will receive Certificates of Achievement accredited by the Thai Ministry of Education with which they can embark on a professional career of a Thai Chef and/or open a Thai restaurant.

There will also be an Open House on Saturday 25 June 2016 at 2pm at the school (nearest BTS station: Siam), wherein Master Chef A – Rapeepat Boriboon – will demonstrate how to prepare a few THAI SNACKS: "Mahor" (Pine-apple topped with sweet and savory peanut sauce) and "Kanom Punsip" for instance for all to see and taste.

Interested persons should call K Parunyu at tel. 081 805 0581


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