Weekday & weekend buffet lunch special deal at Novotel Bangkok Sukhumvit 20

อังคาร ๐๑ พฤศจิกายน ๒๐๑๖ ๑๑:๒๕
Experience the best buffet deal on Sukhumvit at Food Exchange, Novotel Bangkok Sukhumvit 20 during November month only. Offering weekday buffet lunch with a variety of your favourite local and international menus and weekend buffet lunch with extra options such as grilled steak, rack of lamb, seafood on ice, premium sashimi and more. Extra free flow wine and sparkling wine package for weekend lunch buffet at THB 699 per person.

Special deal for November month:

Weekday Buffet Lunch at THB 350 net per person (from THB 650 net per person)

Weekend Buffet Lunch at THB 499 Net per person (from THB 999 net per person) including tea and coffee.

To make a reservation please call 02 009 4999 Visit www.novotelbangkoksukhumvit20.com



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