Kokotel, a bed and cafeconcept, launched in Bangkok

อังคาร ๑๙ ธันวาคม ๒๐๑๗ ๐๙:๒๙
Thailand in 2015 under Newlegacy Hospitality is expanding its wings outside of the city. Inthe last quarter of the year, Kokotelis opening3 properties inKrabi and Phuket.

32 Kokotel is a "bed and cafe" concept, and aims at operating 80 hotels by 2021 and 1,000 properties by2026. It has a strong focus of niche family and female guests, a segment untapped so far.OnOctober 1, 2017, they opened Kokotel Krabi Ao Nang. Subsequently, on November 15, 2017, Kokotel Phuket Patongwas openedfollowed by Kokotel Krabi Oasis in December 2017.

Mr Supot Gulati, the owner of Kokotel Krabi Ao Nang and Kokotel Phuket Patong and Mr Suthep Srikureja, the owner of Kokotel Krabi Oasis have both said that they have great belief in the brand philosophy of Kokotel and are looking forward to this association. The centralised operation concept also appeals to them greatly as it enables the talented professionals sitting at the headquarters to allow owners to run a business professionally without having those professionals on site. In a usual circumstance, the owner of a small hotel would either have the option of running a hotel unprofessionally without professionals or running it professionally by paying an expensive payroll. Things are different with Kokotel. "They know what customers want and answer to their needs. Kokotel differentiates itself from other competitors in the area by offering three or even four bed-room option. The guests are happy with the concept, service style, and always enjoy their stay with us. Overall, we can say that guests are happy, we are happy. And Kokotel facilitates us to be that. We love the Kokotel concept and love working with them."Mr Supot said.

32 In 2018, Kokotel plans to open 9 more new hotels, each of them promising to wow its patrons by providing an experience that is warm, intuitive, clean, safe and communal with an excellent value for money. Various security measures have been put into place making it safe for women travellers allowing people from all walks of life to come and stay at the hotel.

32 Kokotel's business model provides solutions to property ownersby operating properties on behalf of owners. This includes a management contract which is called Centralized and Property Operation Contract (CPOC). CPOC will allow owners to enjoy higher returns while the leasing contract will bring them a stable cash flow. Traditionally, it can be a challenge for property owners to conceptualize, build and manage their property asset into a hospitality venture. This is where Kokotel's hotel management skills help. It manages the property well, allowing it to have a steady income and to improve the property with minimal investment.

32 Mr Vorathep Srikuruwal, owner of Kokotel Bangkok Surawong, (operating since 15th Feb 2016) shared his experience and said, "It has been a pleasure working with the Kokotel team. Aided by the company's expertise in hospitality management, I am rest assured that the management of my property is in safe hands and is giving me safe returns. The team is reliable and trustworthy. Kokotel definitely has the property's best interests at heart. Working with them benefits us in many ways including human resource management". To highlight further the hotel has seen 80-85% occupancypercentagethroughout the year and enjoys high review scores ofKokotel Bangkok Surawong as 8.5 on both Agoda and Booking.com and that of Kokotel Krabi Ao Nang as 8.9 on both Agoda and Booking.com(one of the highest among same category hotels ineach market respectively). The latest property Kokotel Phuket Paotng enjoys even higher review score of 9.3 on Agoda.

32 REAPRA, a company that was founded by Mr. Shuhei Morofuji and Mr. Takeo Matsuda, targets businesses in Southeast Asia that it can build into industry leaders. REAPRA has invested S$ 4 million in Newlegacy Hospitality, Kokotel. Mr Rei Matsuda, the CEO, has driven Kokotel to become the game changer and the innovator of the future hospitality industry in Southeast Asia. It manages hotels with innovative concepts. The aim being to manage 80 hotels by 2021 and 1000 hotels by32202632in Southeast Asia creating a "legacy for the 22nd century".

32 Mr Rei Matsuda believes that the Kokotel in the resort destinations of Krabi and32Phuket will share the same belief and vision of providing that WOW factor to every stakeholder. Kokotel has its genesis in traditional Japanese Ryokans, where the Communal spirit defines the spirit of the hotel, both in the front and in the back of the house. The very motto of the Hotel is that "Friends and FamilyservingFriends and Family", thereby ensuring a space that is Cosy, Comforting, Convenient and Child Friendly. With its unique and flexible room configuration concept, it is perhaps one of the only hotel brands that has a "Room for four" concept wherein in a single room there are four beds, but at the cost of two.


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