AddVentures by SCG Wins “Investor of the Year 2019” Award from “Startup Thailand 2019”

อังคาร ๓๐ กรกฎาคม ๒๐๑๙ ๑๕:๒๘
AddVentures by SCG received "Investor of the Year 2019" award from "Startup Thailand 2019", organized by the National Innovation Agency (NIA). The award recognized AddVentures by SCG for its outstanding contribution to developing startups community and its impact to Thai economy and society. Dr. Joshua Pas, Corporate Innovation Office Director of SCG and Managing Director of AddVentures by SCG represents the company to receive "Investor of the Year" award, presented by Dr. Suvit Maesincee, Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, at National Innovation Agency (NIA)'s Startup Thailand 2019.

AddVentures by SCG invests in VC funds as well as early/growth stage companies (series A onwards). It focuses on B2B, industrial, and enterprise verticals. Since its inception, the fund has invested in 10 companies and aims to deploy more funding not only in Southeast Asia, but also in other major startup hubs around the world.

For more details on AddVentures by SCG, please visit our website , Facebook: or LinkedIn: AddVentures by SCG.


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