Happy Go Round at Playground!

Thursday 05 January 2017 15:37
From frosted to powdered, sprinkled to glazed and everything in between, Playground, Bubbles & Mixology Bars brings you more joy with our 'Happy Go Round' donuts promotion throughout January 2017!

There's nothing to beat a fresh, delicious and sugary donut. Head over to the Playground in the lobby of Pullman Bangkok Hotel G for irresistible donuts made using a French brioche recipe. Fabulous flavours include pistachio, raspberry, hazelnut, strawberry, lemon, vanilla and caramel – all for just THB 90 net per piece!

Playground, Bubbles & Mixology Bar on the Lobby floor is open daily from 6 AM until 6 PM.

For further information and reservations, please call 0 2352 4000 or email:

[email protected]. Visit our website www.pullmanbangkokhotelG.com or like us onwww.facebook.com/pullmanbangkokhotelG.