Web Application Development and Management with Microsoft ASP.NET

Friday 02 September 2005 13:11
Bangkok--Sep 2--Software Park Thailand
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework
Introduction to the .NET Framework
Overview of ASP.NET
Overview of the Lab Application
Module 2: Using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
Overview of Visual Studio .NET
Creating an ASP.NET Web Application Project
Module 3: Using Microsoft .NET-Based Languages
Overview of the .NET-Based Languages
Comparison of the .NET-Based Languages
Creating a Component Using Visual Studio .NET
Module 4: Creating a Microsoft ASP.NET Web Form
Creating Web Forms
Using Server Controls
Module 5: Adding Code to a Microsoft ASP.NET Web Form
Using Code-Behind Pages
Adding Event Procedures to Web Server Controls
Using Page Events
Module 6: Tracing in Microsoft ASP.NET Web Applications
Understanding Tracing
Remote Debugging
Module 7: Validating User Input
Overview of User Input Validation
Using Validation Controls , Page Validation
Module 8: Creating User Controls
Adding User Controls to an ASP.NET Web Form
Creating User Controls
Module 9: Accessing Relational Data Using MS. Visual Studio .NET
Overview of ADO.NET
Creating a Connection to the Database
Displaying a DataSet in a List-Bound Control
Module 10: Accessing Data with Microsoft ADO.NET
Introduction to Using ADO.NET
Connecting to a Database
Accessing Data with DataSets
Using Multiple Tables
Accessing Data with DataReaders
Module 11: Calling Stored Procedures with MS. ADO.NET
Overview of Stored Procedures
Calling Stored Procedures
Module 12: Reading and Writing XML Data
Overview of XML Architecture in ASP.NET
XML and the DataSet Object
Working with XML Data
Using the XML Web Server Control
Module 13: Consuming and Creating XML Web Services
Overview of Using XML Web Services
Calling an XML Web Service by HTTP
Using a Proxy to Call an XML Web Service
Creating an XML Web Service
Module 14: Managing State
State management
Application and Session Variables
Cookies and Cookieless Sessions
Module 15: Configuring, Optimizing, and Deploying a Microsoft ASP.NET Web Application
Using the Cache Object
Using ASP.NET Output Caching
Configuring an ASP.NET Web Application
Deploying an ASP.NET Web Application
Module 16: Securing a Microsoft ASP.NET Web Application
Web Application Security Overview
Working with Windows-Based Authentication
Working with Forms-Based Authentication
Overview of Microsoft Passport Authentication
Module 17: Considerations for Building Advanced ASP.NET Applications
Building Enterprise Web Applications With ASP.NET
Presentation Layer, Data Access Layer
Business Logic Layer
Module 18: Designing Data Tier Components
Implementing Data Access Logic Components
Designing a Data Abstraction Layer
Performance Tuning for Data Access
Managing Settings and Configuration with Typed DataSets
Best Practices for Reliable Data Acces
Module 19: Web Presentation Patterns
Using Design Patterns in Web Applications
Creating Dynamic Interfaces with User Controls
Using Inheritance to Define Basic Site Functionality
Using Collection Classes for DataBinding
Properties and Elements of the DataGrid
Optimal Data Paging for DataGrids
DataGrid Editing Techniques
Creating Master/Detail Views with a DataGrid
Module 20: Building Custom Controls
Architecture of Custom Controls
Creating Control Object Models
Using Events in Controls
Rendering Control Output
Creating Data-Bound Custom Controls
Module 21: Using Graphics Classes to Generate Images
Major System.Drawing Classes
Methods for Generating Images
Using Data to Generate Charts
Module 22: Creating a Secure Infrastructure
ASP.NET Security Models
Role-based Authorization Techniques
Process Identity and Accessing Resource
Securing Communication with Encryption
Module 23: Tutorial for preparing Exam 70-305: Developing and Implementing Web Application with MS. Visual Basic.Net & MS.Studio.Net
-::- Course Benefit -::-
Explain the Microsoft .NET Framework and ASP.NET
Create a component in Visual Basic .NET
Create an ASP.NET Web application project by using Visual Studio .NET.
Add server controls to an ASP.NET Web Form.
Create and populate ASP.NET Web Forms.
Add functionality to server controls that are on an ASP.NET Web Form.
Use the Trace and Debug objects that are provided with Visual Studio .NET.
Use validation controls to validate user input.
Create a user control.
Access data by using the built-in data access tools that are available in Visual Studio .NET.
Use Microsoft ADO.NET to access data in an ASP.NET Web application.
Accomplish complex data access tasks from an ASP.NET Web application.
Access Extensible Markup Language (XML) data and read it into a DataSet.
Call an XML Web service from an ASP.NET Web application and incorporate the returned data into a Web application.
Store application and session data by using a variety of methods.
Configure and deploy an ASP.NET Web application.
Secure an ASP.NET Web application by using a variety of technologies.
Tutorial for preparing exam 70-305
-::- Duration -::-
7 Days (42 Hrs.)
-::- Date, Time -::-
October 10-13.,17-19, 2005 (09:00-16:00)
-::- Registration Fee -::-
17,120 Baht (Included 7% VAT)
-::- For more information -::-
Tel: 02-583-9992 Ext 1423
E-mail : [email protected]., www.swpark.or.th End.