TOYO TIRES Launches Brand Promotional Video Featuring A.C. Milan Footballers Amazing Performances in Alleys and Rooftops of Milan

Tuesday 18 November 2014 12:33
Japanese tire maker Toyo Tire & Rubber Co., Ltd., is launching a brand promotional video that features prominent footballers Montolivo, Ménez, Rami and Honda from A.C. Milan competing in a city alley race against an Audi R8. The two-and-a-half-minute video, complete with a surprise ending after the tagline “Amazing Performance,” will go live on YouTube on November 12, 2014.

The four famous footballers dribble and pass a soccer ball to each other throughout the streets and rooftops of Milan with masterful skill. The Audi R8, equipped with “PROXES T1 Sport” high-performance tires, drives through the same streets with a soccer ball buckled in at shotgun. Racing in style, it heads for the same goal as the footballers. Who will win? The people of Milan hold their collective breath.

The video is highly polished and thoroughly entertaining. It is aimed not only at Milanisti and auto fans but the general public as well. Dialogue is kept to a bare minimum, and the fun can be experienced in full even if the audience does not understand a word of Italian.

A.C. Milan is one of the best football clubs in the world. TOYO TIRES, which is one of A.C. Milan’s Premium Sponsors, took great pleasure in commissioning this unique video to simultaneously showcase the amazing performances of both its top quality tire products and A.C. Milan’s footballers.

The video embodies the company’s belief in constantly providing fresh surprises to its audience, says spokesperson Haruhiko Kitagawa said, adding, “We wanted to express how we as a tire manufacturer can be playful and at the same time a serious competitor, just like the A.C. Milan stars. We believe the video not only achieves that, but also captures the joy and beauty of driving with high performance auto gear.”