Enlighting lives for the communities in which we operate.

Tuesday 26 July 2022 16:02
At Hitachi Energy, we have placed sustainability at the heart of our purpose and promised to advance a sustainable energy future for all. Recently, Hitachi Energy (Thailand) Limited, led by Dr. Worawut Warutamapornsu, Country Managing Director of Hitachi Energy (Thailand) Limited, organized CSR activities at Wat Tamru Mittraphap 65 School, Samut Prakan Province, by improving the electrical and lighting systems, including installing electrical control cabinets in buildings and providing ten dry chemical fire extinguishers to enhance the safety environment in school. Moreover, the team also organized one-day training on basic knowledge of electrical safety & fire prevention for the teachers and students on the event date.
Enlighting lives for the communities in which we operate.

Source: Hitachi Energy