First released in 1994, The Lion King is the highest grossing 2D animated film of all time, with generations captivated by the story of Mufasa, Simba, and friends. The Lion King collection by Disney x Swarovski captures their unique personalities with precision execution in the sun-kissed hues of the Pride Lands - each 30th anniversary collectible skillfully crafted to bathe spaces in a magical light.
Disney The Lion King X Swarovski Home Collection
First launched in 2010, Mufasa is depicted with greater detail and richer colors. Simba's adventurous spirit is captured in golden full-cut crystals, while best friends Timon and Pumba complete the collection, with lively poses joyfully expressing their 'problem-free philosophy'.
246 facets shine imperiously, as the king of the savanna stands majestically on Pride Rock. Mufasa's lush mane highlights Swarovski savoir-faire with its dramatic sense of movement.
376 majestic golden facets beam brightly, as Simba's inquisitive expression is captured perfectly.
Paws on hips, ready for an adventure, wisecracking meerkat Timon is crafted from 283 sparkling facets.
Energy and exuberance take shape in Pumbaa, the adorable warthog. 248 facets depict the kind-hearted character known for his happy-go-lucky attitude.
Disney The Lion King x Swarovski collection is available online and in Swarovski stores globally.
Source: Spark Communications