Seacon Square and Thai Life Insurance take you to Japan at "Cool Japan" from June 24 - July 3!

Thursday 23 June 2022 16:26
Seacon Square together with Thai Life Insurance brings Japan to you in a super cool way by recreating Thai people's favorite Japanese tourist attractions and vibes, such as the Yokote Kamakura igloo, the wisteria bridge, the golden Torii shrine, the Sakurazaka robot park, and the capsule hotel. Do not miss the incredible robot cafe, and check-in at "Wakayama," then take a ride on the kitty cat train overseen by a cute cat stationmaster. Visit the Kuroshio fish market and see a live fish cutting skill show. Shop for premium souvenirs "Meow Muse" by artist Varutchai Sevikul. End the day with delicious Japanese food and beverages from over 100 restaurants. See you in "Cool Japan," at Seacon Square Srinagarindra Shopping Center, 1st floor, covering the fountain courtyard, the Mardi zone, the MUNx2 zone and the North Terrace. The event lasts from June 24 - July 3, 2022. For more information, call 0-2721-8888 or,, Instagram:seaconsquare, or Line: @seaconsquare.
Seacon Square and Thai Life Insurance take you to Japan at Cool Japan from June 24 - July 3!

Source: 4D Communications